Posters are not to exceed 48 x 48 inches.
Full name |
Poster Presentation Title |
Anna Faust | The Azolla apocalypse? Appearance, spread, and impact of the nitrogen-fixing species in Lake Springfield, MO |
Arindam Mandal | Sustainable Tillage Approaches for Improving Tomato Yield, Soil Health, and Pest Resistance in Missouri’s Organic Agriculture |
Ashley Hrdina | Subject Matter Focus of State Fish and Wildlife Conservation Magazines |
Autumn Shull | Applied Learning through professional internships: Natural Resource Management Internship in land management. My experience with the Missouri Department of Conservation. |
Avery Zenke | Evaluating the influence of sound on utilization distributions of native fishes in a tank: A comparative study of ostariophysan and non-ostariophysan responses to a boat motor sound |
Bani Kumar Biswas | Biochar in Sustainable Agriculture: Short-Term Impacts on Soil Properties, Nutrient Dynamics, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Different Midwest Missouri Farmlands |
Calvin Burdess | Estimating Historical Erosion and Deposition Patterns in Missouri’s Gasconade River with Mean Streambed Elevation Changes |
Camrin Peaslee | Odonate Abundance and Diversity in Ponds of an Urban University Campus |
Cary Chevalier | The Missouri Western State University’s John Rushin Teaching and Research Prairie: the first four years of prairie reconstruction and multidisciplinary biology research in an outdoor Applied Learning laboratory |
Christopher Kirchhofer | Breeding success of the Red-winged Blackbird validates bottomland hardwood forest restoration efforts in Southeast Missouri |
Connor Bruemmer | Hyporheic community sampling in Ozark streams: Determining if well installation is a disturbance |
Csengele Barta | Prairie plant species’ vulnerability to biological invasions: velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) suppresses big bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) growth and development |
Daniel Castillo | Variation in butterfly composition at the Kickapoo Edge Prairie |
Daniel Garten | Eastern Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger) Occupancy in a Southern Missouri Woodland |
Danielle McQueen | Examining the Effectiveness of Voluntary Surveillance for CWD in White-tailed Deer in Missouri |
Falcon Turner | Wetland Management Internship at Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge |
Gabrielle Campbell | Plethodontid salamander diversity and abundance in a popular Missouri show cave |
Grace Allen | Spatial Ecology of Blanding’s turtle, Emydoidea blandingii, Using Radio Telemetry and GPS Tracking Data on Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge, Northwest Missouri |
Jacob Vitale | Defining old-growth characteristics of upland, xeric pine-oak forests in the Interior Highlands |
Jaslyn Johnson | Does Exposure to Cold Temperatures Influence Azolla Biomass? |
Jennah Klein | Exploring Disparities in Environmental Education and Its Impact on Environmental Justice: A Conceptual Overview |
Joshua Bruegge | Developing complementarity-based conservation priority ranks for Missouri’s aquatic natural communities based on fish and crayfish distributions |
Kaitlyn J. Bebensee | Small mammal community composition and diet in Southwestern Missouri prairies |
Kali Rouse | The large and medium sized mammal communities at Bull Shoals Field Station |
Karen Klug | Untapped Potential: American Sycamore and Black Walnut Sap Production Characteristics Compared to Sugar Maple |
Katelin Meek | Arthropod Visitors of American Elderberry Across Cultivar and Flowering Season |
Katie Leonard | Birds of Morris Prairie Conservation Area: Species response to restoration |
Kaylee Woelfel | Bird-friendly Communities Program |
Kendall Smith | Schooling dynamics of juvenile Grass Carp in response to sound |
Kyra Bunch | Optimizing Germination Rates in Black Walnut (Juglans nigra): A Comparative Study of Walnut Curing and Stratification Methods for High Production Cultivars |
Lanissa Post | Theileriosis (Theileria cervi) causes mortality in white-tailed deer fawns |
Leah K. Berkman | From the cradle: genetic diversity of the central Missouri endemic Niangua darter (Etheostoma nianguae) |
Lucky Atabo | Demographic assessment of habitat quality for the Mississipi Kite in a landscape of energy development |
Lyndsey Rightnowar | Bridge to Biodiversity: An Effort to Restore MO’s only Native Bamboo, Giant River Cane (Arundinaria gigantea) |
Marlee Malmborg | Monitoring American Kestrel Nesting Success: Insights on Box Monitoring, Tracking Reproduction and Habitat Use |
Matt McNaney | Measuring the Impact of Elevated Nitrate on Stream Health, Diversity of Fishes, and Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) as a Sentinel Species |
Melanie Cohen | Evaluating Introductory Adult Conservation Programming at Prairie Fork Conservation Area |
Mohan Acharya | Extending pasture-based sheep and goat production information to the farmers through Train-the-Trainer program |
Ophelia Pettington | Microbial composition of rhizosphere and bulk soils in areas of the Missouri Tri-State mining district |
Quin Gray | Occurrence and Abundance of Microplastics Accumulated in Missouri Stream Fishes |
Rachel Suttmueller | Cultivating Skills in Fisheries, Communication, and Conservation: Interning at Roaring River Fish Hatchery through the Johnny Morris Institute of Fisheries, Wetlands, and Aquatic Systems |
Sarah King | Fishing Guides as Citizen Scientists? Insights into State Licensing Requirements for Freshwater Fishing Guides |
Sarah Sommer | Influence of Sequence Stratigraphy on Karst in Mark Twain National Forest, Missouri |
Sasha Goodnow | Studying the impacts of southern pine beetle on loblolly pine in the Homochitto National Forest using remote sensing |
Sonja Weber | Pollinator Habitats in North Dakota’s Grasslands: Tracking Bee Diversity and Habitat Preferences of Populations in Managed Areas |
Tessa Poolman | Mapping and Mitigating Bird Collisions: A Volunteer-Driven Initiative in Kansas City |
Tyson Cook | Using Occupancy Modeling To Inform Management Decisions On A Restored Tallgrass Prairie |
Yonah Bennett | Zoonotic disease and diet surveys of raccoons (Procyon lotor) across urban-rural gradients in St. Louis and Kansas City, Missouri |