Posters are not to exceed 48 x 48 inches.

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Poster Presentation Title

Myers, David Science Branch Internship With MDC
Sterling, Edward Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) Length at Maturity in the Illinois River and evaluation of a Passive Method for Assessing Silver Carp Size at Maturity
Pease, Allison Feeding ecology of Western Mosquitofish across habitat types and in relation to extreme flow conditions in the Lamine River
Clussman, Alexandra The development and use of a next generation genotyping panel for American paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) to investigate hatchery survival bias
Oleiro, Pablo Using Silver Carp life stages and sex ratios to identify management actions
Hundley, Joshua An assessment of the relation between metal contaminated sediment and freshwater mussel populations in the Big River, Missouri
Callahan, Seth Use of Beaver Dam Analogues to Enhance Stream and Wetland Habitat in North Missouri Prairies
Steins, Owen How has wildfires affected the stand structure and timber volume of ponderosa and Jeffrey pine forests in the Sierra Nevada Mountains?
Wood, Ava Missouri maple syrup: production methods and lessons learned from the School of Natural Resources sugar shack
Kronenberg, Raelin  Impact of Timber Stand Improvement and Prescribed Burn on Forest Soils During the Establishment of a Forest Farm 
Gross, Ryan Uneven-Aged White Oak Management: Using Quantitative Wood Anatomy to Understand the Regeneration and Recruitment Process of Advance Reproduction
Gabbert, Moriah Understanding growth and nutrient relations of giant river cane (Arundinaria gigantea) for successful restoration of this natural resource in Missouri
Goerndt, Michael Establishment, survival and growth of blight resistant cultivars of Ozark chinquapin (Castanea ozarkensis)
Silanskis, Morgan Documenting 60-years of structural and compositional change in an oak-hickory forest in southern Illinois
Acharya, Mohan Prescribed goat grazing an option to control invasive brush species in the wildland areas
Rightnowar, Lyndsey Unlocking the door to the restoration of giant river cane/bamboo (Arundinaria gigantea)
Fassler, Aliza Using Wild Bees as Indicators of Woodland Ecological Integrity
Mackness, Chad Longleaf Pine, Bamboo, Woodpeckers and Butterflies habitat restoration
Afrida, Aranya Hydrogeomorphic Response of Fluvial Systems in Response to Climate Change in the Ozark Highlands – An Example from James River, Missouri
Olberg, Jesse First Missouri record and range extension for Liogma nodicornis (Diptera: Tipuloidea: Cylindrotominae)
Houf, Kimberly Missouri Outdoor Connection Project
Justus, Angel Applied learning through professional internships: Fisheries Biologist Internship with Missouri Department of Conservation
Stubblefield, Kelsi Establishing an Agroforestry Certification Program and Learning Network for Education and Exchange – A Case Study in Missouri
Cook, Tyson Missouri Western State University Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society Scavenger Hunt
Lueckenhoff, Leslie Riverscape Perspective of Physical Habitat to Quantify High-Richness Mussel Bed Loss in Big River, Missouri
Sines, Nathan Channel shifting pattern and bank erosion in response to anthropogenic disturbances in the Cuivre River Watershed in Missouri
Lowery, Hannah Large wood distribution and geomorphic impacts in headwater forest streams in Big Barren Watershed, Mark Twain National Forest
Lacki, Jacob Comparison of mining-metal storage among different channel deposits in Elm Creek, Tar Creek Superfund Site, Oklahoma
Aogo, Samuel Downstream variations in floodplain metal-contamination Elm Creek, Picher Field, Oklahoma.
Lacki, Jacob Shoreline Erosion and Sedimentation Assessment: Lake Taneycomo, Missouri
Showers, Madeline Integrated Highway Right-of-Way Management to Reduce Pollution Runoff and Enhance Habitat
Davis, Morgan Goat Browsing and Prescribed Burning Effects on Dynamic Soil Properties of Woodlands
Faust, Anna Mutualism and Opportunism: Algae blooms and Azolla flourishes in nitrate enriched waters
Miles, Daphne The demise of submerged aquatic plants during low water years in an Ozarks spring-fed pond
Cook, Tyson Population and Distribution of Prairie Plants in a second season post burn prairie
Perron, Tiffany The relationship between habitat characteristics and the regal fritillary (Speyeria idalia) butterfly
Woelfel, Kaylee Present and Historical Surveillance of Hemorrhagic Disease in Missouri
Sears, Jaeden Pollinator Ecology and Conservation in North Dakota
Hoerr, Ethan Pheasant Forever Internship.
Williams, Josh Impacts of River-Floodplain Connectivity on Biotic Communities in Restored Wetlands within the Missouri River Floodplain
Rivero, Gabriela Giant river cane and Swainson’s warblers: Implementing innovative monitoring techniques for species of conservation concern
Chevalier, Cary Using game cameras to inventory mammal biodiversity in a midwestern urban natural area:  a collaboration between Missouri Western State University (MWSU) and Snapshot USA
Ebeling, Corbin  Historical Channel Evolution in response to Anthropogenic Disturbances: Assessment of Gasconade River in Central Missouri
Yohe, Elizabeth Expansion of the Community Health Index to the Southern Tier National Forests
Holcomb, Valerie Water quality trends in Pearson Creek, Springfield, MO (2017-23)