The conference is committed to continually improving the experience for all participants. With that philosophy, the Student Job Fair is rebranded as the Conservation Career Expo. The focus will be on jobs for undergraduate and graduate students as in the past, but there will also be activities for early and mid-career professionals. You will see presentations about resume development and invterview skills, as well as one-on-one resume review, interview skills and networking. These skills are critical to all employees seeking personal improvement and job opportunities.

Job Fair

Learn about current and future job announcements. Meet resource professionals hiring students and recent graduates.

Employers in attendance: MDC, USDA Forest Service, US Army Corps of Engineers, MDNR, Clay County Parks, Pheasants Forever, Stream Team United, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, USDA APHIS

Resume Critique

Professional resume review and feedback. Bring a few copies of your resume for critique.

Hiring Information Session

Meet professionals in your field. Bring your questions and your enthusiasm for your possible future employer!

Mock Interviews

Practice your interview skills with real professionals. Get the experience you need for when you land that interview!

Students and Early Career Professionals: No registration is required and you do not have to attend the conference to attend the Conservation Career Expo. The evening mixer is not included in the career expo, however a student registration is available for $60 including the mixer and conference. It is suggested that you bring copies of your resume for review and to hand out.

Resource Professionals, Grad Students, and Professors: The Conservation Career Expo is free. Are you seeking employees with natural resource backgrounds? Then the career expo is the perfect opportunity for you! In years past we have had over 140 students ranging from high school graduates to people with masters degrees and current resource professionals attend the career expo. Employers will offer full and part-time positions along with temporary positions. No job is too big or too small.

The Missouri Natural Resources Conference (MNRC) is held in a public space, therefore we do not prohibit participants, exhibitors, sponsors, host facility, or other organizations from photographing, video or audio-taping Conference activities.  MNRC reserves the right to use images taken at the Conference with your photograph and/or likeness on social media, marketing materials, and/or other uses.  MNRC is NOT responsible for individual attendee’s use of your image or likeness.  By virtue of your attendance, you agree to usage of your likeness in such media.