Call for abstracts!

Interested in presenting a poster, presentation, or workshop at the 2025 Missouri Natural Resources Conference?

Abstract submissions are due by COB Friday, November 8, 2024.

While workshops and presentations related to the conference theme are encouraged, submissions dealing with any aspect of forestry, fisheries, wildlife, or soil and water conservation are welcome.

Please submit the following via email:

Presentation Type (Poster, Workshop, or Paper Presentation):
(For Workshops) Time Needed (2 Hours Maximum):
(For Workshops) Workshop Organizer Name, Organization & Email:
(For Paper and Posters) Author(s):
(For Papers and Posters) Presenter(s) Name, Organization & Email:
(For Papers and Posters) Additional Author(s) Name, Organization, and Email Address
Abstract (250 Words Maximum):

Submit your abstracts to: